
Visit the WebSite Random Acts of Green GlobalConscience.World Partner - Canada Random Acts of Green is a social enterprise with a vision to build a glocal (global + local) climate action community where everyone is empowered to take action together and promote environmental sustainability. Our mission is to prove that we [...]


Ali. H. Assi Scientist, academician - Montreal, Canada I am a professor of Electrical Engineering with research focus on renewable energy. I developed and taught many courses related to renewable energy in particular solar energy. My goal is spreading the knowledge of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the world. [...]


Visit the website Eric Ackerman Activist, Podcaster - Ontario, Canada My name is Eric Ackerman and I am a 4th year student at York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I currently live in nearby Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. Why I am fighting climate change is because I want to ensure a future [...]


Visit the WebSite Muslims for Sustain ABILITY GlobalConscience.World Partner - Canada Muslims for Sustainability is a platform that aims to increase Muslims involvement and contribution globally in sustainability. We aim to do this through promoting initiatives, connecting individuals in sustainability and increasing awareness of the integration of sustainability with our [...]


Victoria Lofthouse Student - Calgary, Canada I am currently a student enrolled at the University of Calgary studying Earth Science. I have had the opportunity to learn about climate change and the many branching topics that surround it. I strongly believe that in order to prevent the worst outcomes caused by [...]


Henkel Lee Student - Calgary, Canada I am a fourth year student at the University of Calgary, and I have always seen climate change as one of the biggest issues in my daily life. Everything we do could somehow create a small change to the world climate and I would [...]


Pinkey Chowdhury Volunteer - Ontario, Canada Currently, I am working as a Volunteer in the Parvati Foundation. This foundation’s project name MAPS, the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary, declares the Arctic Ocean north of the Arctic Circle an international peace park, free from exploitation of all kinds. It prohibits all activities harmful [...]


Visit the WebSite Goodside GlobalConscience.World Partner - Canada The Goodside app measures your carbon footprint in real-time, then gives you tips to reduce your impact. Take climate action to see your score rise and earn rewards for both you and the planet. Read their Good News Blog. Read the Good News Blog The [...]


Franki Croft Volunteer - Canada I am a young adult passionate about the wildlife, clean water and overall health of our earth. Have you seen inappropriate content from one of our ambassadors? Let us know using this email form! Report


Visit the WebSite Green Standards GlobalConscience.World Partner - Canada Green Standards is a specialized environmental firm that works with corporations and other large organizations to responsibly redistribute no-longer-needed surplus office furniture, equipment and supplies. They work with some of the largest companies in the world to recover value, benefit community [...]


Samantha Coccimiglio Environmentalist - Canada I’m an environmentalist promoting sustainable living & conscious consumerism. I have a BA in Environmental Studies & a Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Business Management. I’ve always cared about the environment, and my goal is to show how beneficial it is to be sustainable. [...]


Anita F. White Eco-Parent, Volunteer - Canada With a background in business, finance, and international studies, I became a climate-parent activist organically. I want to broaden the climate conversation across all sections of society, especially amongst other parents. I believe climate education and conversation should be fundamental to increase resilience [...]

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