Computer Models Of Civilization Offer Routes To Ending Global Warming


Computer Models Of Civilization Offer Routes To Ending Global Warming Daniel Charles, August 14, 2021 As the world's top climate scientists released a report full of warnings this week, they kept insisting that the world still has [...]

Computer Models Of Civilization Offer Routes To Ending Global Warming2021-08-26T10:47:23-05:00

It’s so hot in Dubai that the government is artificially creating rainstorms


It's so hot in Dubai that the government is artificially creating rainstorms By SOPHIE LEWIS – Jul 23, 2021 With temperatures in Dubai regularly surpassing 115 degrees Fahrenheit, the government has decided to take [...]

It’s so hot in Dubai that the government is artificially creating rainstorms2021-07-26T12:38:43-05:00

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation


Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation By United Nations - 2021. Inclusive and sustainable industrialization, together with innovation and infrastructure, can unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate employment and [...]

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation2021-06-29T22:00:55-05:00

Bill Gates: How the world can avoid a climate disaster


Bill Gates: How the world can avoid a climate disaster Anderson Cooper – Feb 15, 2021 "Without innovation, we will not solve climate change. We won't even come close," Gates says. Anderson Cooper reports [...]

Bill Gates: How the world can avoid a climate disaster2021-06-27T17:49:58-05:00
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