Sumarie Jordan, Ambassador

Deryck Dhanie

Environmentalist – Trinidad and Tobago

I am the Managing Director of The Ambiance Project (TAP). TAP was influenced to create an organization to work within Trinidad and Tobago because of the endemic problem we face. The entire country is covered in garbage. Throughout this beautiful twin island nation, trash pervades every corner, crevice, and sanctum. It is clear the agencies responsible for ensuring our environment is well maintained are unable to perform their duties in a manner which ensures our environment is well taken care of. The sheer volume of the task is mammoth, and they are under-resourced for it. TAP saw that there is a void in both the physical and educational resources available. Through the tools TAP has access to, we believe that we can contribute, firstly by collecting the garbage, secondly, by recycling/upcycling some of the garbage and thirdly by educating our school children.

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GlobalConscience.World Ambassadors

We know how committed our Ambassadors are to being part of the solution to what scientists and economists consider to be one of the world’s most crucial problems. Which is why we provide each of our Ambassadors with information, guidance, and tools they can use to become effective climate change influencers on social media. Our Ambassadors help publicize the GlobalConscience.World message and share educational resources any way they can.

They use their individual skills to educate others and show them what each of us can do, as individuals, to fight global warming from our own homes. Our ultimate goal is to have a worldwide network of Ambassadors who communicate with each other and who can help put pressure on corporations and governments to do what is right, because we believe the changes the world needs will happen only with the support of concerned citizens in every country. And that means every one of our Ambassadors can know he or she is not only part of the solution, but a leader in helping to create a better future for everyone.