Greta Thunberg claims Biden is not acting ‘as seriously as we need’ when it comes to climate change

Kyle Moss, August 23, 2021
Climate activist Greta Thunberg was on The Mehdi Hasan Show Sunday, almost three years to the day after she first skipped school to protest outside the Swedish parliament, ultimately kick-starting an entire movement in the process.

She went viral on Hasan’s show back in March after accusing President Biden and his administration of not treating the climate crisis like a crisis, but rather just another political topic. So Hasan asked if her assessment of the president has changed over the past five months, especially given the new bipartisan infrastructure bill which contains some pointed measures to help tackle climate change.

“Unfortunately, no. My view has not changed,” Thunberg said. “This has just confirmed this administration is not ready to act as seriously as we need, unfortunately. But that was what I expected.”

 There are some players who have enormous responsibility and who need to be held accountable. – Greta Thunberg

Thunberg’s interview comes not long after a new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, warned that the Earth will hit its 1.5-degree Celsius climate limit within 20 years, and that human activity is changing the climate in unprecedented and irreversible ways. And when Hasan asked who exactly Thunberg thinks is to blame for the bulk of the current issues surrounding the climate crisis, she said there is plenty to go around.

“The blame lies, of course, with the people who are in charge but also the system itself,” Thunberg said. “Of course we will need individuals pushing for change but that’s not the core of this crisis. There are some players who have enormous responsibility and who need to be held accountable.”

The Mehdi Hasan Show airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on MSNBC.